I Know What You Did Last Summer

I know what you did last summer

Title: I Know What You Did Last Summer

Year: 1997

Director: Jim Gillespie

Dave’s Rant: After a night of drinking, four teens accidentally hit a man while driving home. Because they are not doctors (or are simply incompetent), they come to the conclusion that the man is dead. The teens decide to dump the body and never speak of it again… until the following summer when the man they killed comes back for revenge. While it has a decent story, I couldn’t connect with any of the main characters. One of the characters was never around, another was depressing and dull, the third was a prom queen, and the last was Ryan Phillippe who was a bigger asshole in this movie than he was in Cruel Intentions. The final 30 minutes were the best part and had every element of a good slasher movie: a villain who moves incredibly fast and seems invincible, a boy who saves a girl, and one final scare.  I Know What You Did Last Summer is a poor man’s version of Scream.

Memorable Quote: “Let’s just pretend he’s some escaped lunatic with a hook for a hand and we’re doing everybody a favor.”

Rating: Decent slasher flick but uninspiring – 5/10

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